Monitoring & Evaluation
We hate hearing all that PR flannel ourselves. Cutting straight to the point, PR is simply the art of communication, having solid industry contacts and a proven track record of delivering results. If you are investing your money into PR, you need results to justify that spend. We couldn’t agree more. So much so that our PR work is monitored by a third party. We are totally transparent and provide clients reliable and impartial evidence of the coverage that we generate.
Our Services
Contact Us
Rebecca Leppard - Publicity Director
Email: rebecca@eventspr.co.uk
Tel: 01452 260 063
Mobile: 07749 852481
Photo Credits
Thank you to the following event photographers for the kind use of their images:
Martyn Goddard - www.martyngoddard.com
Allan Rhodes - www.allanrhodes.co.uk
James Mann - www.jamesmann.com
Jeff Bloxham - www.jeffbloxham.com
Tom Dymond - www.tomdymond.co.uk
Lee Mortlock - www.lgmphotographic.co.uk
Sussex Photography - www.sussexsportphotography.com
Don Wales Photography - www.donwalesphotography.co.uk
Mark Lewis - www.marklewisphotography.co.uk
Gary Harman and Dennis Wood
Del Hickey - www.derekh3