Case Study - Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb

Working on behalf of the Midland Automobile Club, Rebecca took on the role of Event Manager at Shelsley Walsh for their ‘Classic Nostalgia’ event. Over the last four years she managed all “off-track” activity for the event which takes place annually in July.

Classic Nostalgia rapidly became a firm favourite on the racing calendar and was well supported by Classic and Sports Car magazine and Peter James Insurance. Rebecca was responsible for organising the spectacular static vehicle displays in the paddock and field, visiting car clubs and all off track entertainment from vintage-inspired musicians, live bands to show dancers and air displays. In 2017 the event was shortlisted for ‘Motoring Event of the Year’ at the Octane Awards, a wonderful accolade.
For further information regarding Shelsley Walsh please visit: www.shelsleywalsh.com.
Case Studies
Contact Us
Rebecca Leppard - Publicity Director
Email: rebecca@eventspr.co.uk
Tel: 01452 260 063
Mobile: 07749 852481
Photo Credits
Thank you to the following event photographers for the kind use of their images:
Martyn Goddard - www.martyngoddard.com
Allan Rhodes - www.allanrhodes.co.uk
James Mann - www.jamesmann.com
Jeff Bloxham - www.jeffbloxham.com
Tom Dymond - www.tomdymond.co.uk
Lee Mortlock - www.lgmphotographic.co.uk
Sussex Photography - www.sussexsportphotography.com
Don Wales Photography - www.donwalesphotography.co.uk
Mark Lewis - www.marklewisphotography.co.uk
Gary Harman and Dennis Wood
Del Hickey - www.derekh3