Case Study - Haynes Publishing

‘Rebecca was tasked with managing the PR campaigns for our most important books and new ranges. Her enthusiasm, professionalism, networking ability and creative thinking ensured these titles received invaluable on-brand media coverage and consumer awareness, but crucially assisted our sales team in exceeding forecasts.’ J Haynes, Chairman Haynes Publishing Group
- Rebecca managed the product PR and events for the Haynes brand for over ten years, this included the product promotion of the world renowned car and motorcycle owners workshop repair manuals and lifestyle publications (approx. 135 new products a year)
- Carried out strategic planning, events, tours, signing sessions, press-calls, marketing and media coverage for the company
- Managing advertising and marketing budgets annually
- Ensured the brand image and reputation were clearly and accurately promoted
- Rebecca was the youngest (and first female) manager appointed at Haynes
- She generated over 2 million pounds worth of printed media coverage in 2009 alone within the consumer, automotive, aftermarket and lifestyle media sectors.
For further information regarding Haynes Publishing, please visit: www.haynes.co.uk
Case Studies
Contact Us
Rebecca Leppard - Publicity Director
Email: rebecca@eventspr.co.uk
Tel: 01452 260 063
Mobile: 07749 852481
Photo Credits
Thank you to the following event photographers for the kind use of their images:
Martyn Goddard - www.martyngoddard.com
Allan Rhodes - www.allanrhodes.co.uk
James Mann - www.jamesmann.com
Jeff Bloxham - www.jeffbloxham.com
Tom Dymond - www.tomdymond.co.uk
Lee Mortlock - www.lgmphotographic.co.uk
Sussex Photography - www.sussexsportphotography.com
Don Wales Photography - www.donwalesphotography.co.uk
Mark Lewis - www.marklewisphotography.co.uk
Gary Harman and Dennis Wood
Del Hickey - www.derekh3