Case Study - British Steam Car Land Speed
‘With very limited resources Eventageous PR created a loyal following of National and International media tracking the progress of the project.’ Lynne Angel, Director, Steam Car Company
Rebecca joined the British Steam Car Team project when it was in its infancy. The brief was to stimulate interest in alternative fuels and technologies. The project needed to gain support and recognition for their pioneering technology in order to attract and sustain sponsorship.
By far the greatest PR challenge was the unreliability of the vehicle, which was at odds with the need to generate media coverage when the car was being developed. Waiting until it was completed and running perfectly wouldn’t gain the media and public support.
There was no advertising spend, no gimmicks or products to assist the campaign. The strategy was to generate regular media presence by drip-feeding team news including its successes and failures, to so that supporters could follow the journey.
As a result of the pro-active publicity a vast amount of coverage appeared both pre and post record. 1343 printed media was generated in the UK alone during a 12month period.
The following media coverage was achieved:
- 51 x National newspaper articles appeared in:
- 105 x articles appeared in a cross section of lifestyle publications ranging from science, technology, automotive and engineering consumer magazines
- 1187 x articles appeared throughout the regional newspapers
- 20 x interviews/news items were featured on television including:
- 8 x interviews/news items were featured prime time national radio stations including:
Eventageous PR won Silver CIPR Pride Award for ‘Best Use of Media Relations’ for the work carried out on behalf of the team.
Lynne Angel, Director and Team Manager of The Steam Car Company said ‘Rebecca joined the Steam Car project five years ago and her team have worked tirelessly in helping us achieve our goal of breaking the Land Speed Steam Record. Without Eventageous I can confidently say the Steam Car Project would have struggled to find the valued sponsorship a project such as this requires’.
Case Studies
Contact Us
Rebecca Leppard - Publicity Director
Email: rebecca@eventspr.co.uk
Tel: 01452 260 063
Mobile: 07749 852481
Photo Credits
Thank you to the following event photographers for the kind use of their images:
Martyn Goddard - www.martyngoddard.com
Allan Rhodes - www.allanrhodes.co.uk
James Mann - www.jamesmann.com
Jeff Bloxham - www.jeffbloxham.com
Tom Dymond - www.tomdymond.co.uk
Lee Mortlock - www.lgmphotographic.co.uk
Sussex Photography - www.sussexsportphotography.com
Don Wales Photography - www.donwalesphotography.co.uk
Mark Lewis - www.marklewisphotography.co.uk
Gary Harman and Dennis Wood
Del Hickey - www.derekh3